Venn Diagram

I had built this statistical one for work last week (click on graphic for larger version); it illustrates the distribution of student enrollments during one term here at UCF. The circles represent the areas of class types -- Orlando campus, regional campus, or web-based classes. The size of the circles are exactly proportional to the data. The overlap areas are a little off by necessity. I drew this graphic in Photoshop. As an information geek, I think its really cool. This will be used to assist higher ups with some funding and growth planning issues.
Categories: work related
It is a cool diagram. Even I understood it. In the
East Orlando Times today President Hitt was quoted as saying that UCF had 45,??? students.He must have some new data.
I loved Venn diagrams when I was editing all those test prep books! I wasted too much time checking each one out -- all in the interest of "accuracy" of course. Don't know how I missed this post earlier this week. Max
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