Drive to Iowa?
Nashville (695 mi)
Paducah (KY) (half way)
St. Louis (1000 mi)
Kansas City
Omaha (1250 mi)
Marcus (1600 mi)
about 1600 miles all told.
Categories: family news
This was started as an experiment to learn how the blog interface works, and I used it for some quartet communication. Subsequently repurposed for personal sharing with friends and family.
I've done that drive many a time. Well, the Atlanta to KC part anyway. You'll see lots of interesting terrain. And you'll be bored too. Take along some good music or a good friend. And, of course, you have to do the touristy stuff if you have time. Smoky Mountain National Park, Cherokee NC, and Cade's Cove are all worth the time. It's fun to go to the top of the arch in St. Louis too! Hope you have a great trip.
When you were about 5 years old and Ricky was about 2, we made the auto trip from Atlanta to Marcus. Stopped in Missouri to pick up my Dad's sister Sue, and made it to Iowa for a wonderful family Christmas. All 3 of Grandpa and Gandma Reed's kids were there with our kids, so there were 8 kid's presents under the tree and beeg candy canes, (one foot long) courtesy of your Uncle Warren. The presents were piled high-- up to one half of the tree. You were so exited that you couldn't sleep on Christmas eve and wandered out worrying and crying that if everyone was not asleep,Santa wouldn't come. We assured you and you finally fell asleep. What a Christmas morning it was! And what a trip!
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