This past weekend Linda and I escorted visiting students Marina and Sachiko to the
Strawberry festival in Plant City (near Tampa.) I thought we had been to this big event way back when we moved to Florida in the 80's, but Linda corrected me. This was our first

time. The draw for us was a 4pm outdoor concert by Nashville star
Trace Adkins, and he put on quite a show in front of at least 10,000 fans. Most of the crowd, including us, were seated in bleachers, and I really really missed

the binoculars -- we left them in the car which was parked a long ways away. However, we charged down front during the encore to get a close up look at the singer, and he's pretty damn impressive; about 6'6" with arms the size of my thighs.

It was a good show. Adkins current hit is the
boundary-stretching rap-influenced Honky Tonk Badonkadonk, and he got the entire crowd to sing along with the irreverent refrain "well shut my mouth and smack my grandma!".

Most of these snapshots came from Sachiko's camera. The thumb in the one picture is mine. Larger copies and a few more pictures are available at
http://www.presby-book.net/rgsr/strawberryThe festival itself was shoulder to shoulder packed. We gorged on strawberry shortcake, and greasy carnival food. In ambiance and crowd profile, it was probably most like an extremely crowded day at
Flea World.
Hey, I’ve written about that strawberry festival on Cooking Village! Don't think I'll include the Flea World comparison in any updates, though. Are you gonna see Willie there? I'd withstand shoulder-to-shoulder strawberry gourging to see him any day.
BTW Bob, like the new look of the blog. But when I go there, I get a big FORBIDDEN page. If I refresh I get in OK, but seems like there's some kind of bug.
Deri, that template was flawed. I couldn't get it to display the navbar without covering up the top of my content (the title).
I've adapted the standard 'minima' template, which is entirely driven by css, so that it is not confined to a fixed pixel width. I like my web design to be liquid and fill the readers screen.
Deri said:
Bob, like the new look of the blog.
and I agree; been meaning to write and say so.
She goes on
But when I go there, I get a big FORBIDDEN page.
However, I don't have any problem getting into it. (unusual for AOL)
I don't quoite understand your explanation, Bob, but I'll accept it! Mom
I encountered that FORBIDDEN message a few times too. I think its unrelated to the page or template design and is some transient problem with the blogger.com servers.
no, I haven't seen Willie Nelson since a concert at Sundance in 1979. I missed an amazing opportunity to see him perform on a double bill with Bob Dylan at a minor league ballpark here in central florida last spring. I am not even kidding! Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan!!!!!
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