New Landscaping, new camera
We bit the bullet and got 2 pallets of sod laid, and a 2 zone irrigation system. click on the cat to see a medium sized panarama.
Olympus Stylus Verve 4.0 megapixels (no optical viewfinder)

The new camera is an HP 717 with 6.2 megapixels!!!
I was persuaded by this review here, although it's not very stylish...
all the cool looking cameras seemed to lack an optical viewfinder, and that was my biggest complaint with my first digital camera, now defunct. But if you want a sexy good looking camera, check these out:

Pentax Optio WP (WaterProof) 3.2 megapixels (no optical viewfinder)

Olympus Stylus Verve 4.0 megapixels (no optical viewfinder)