Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Google Desktop

This free software is popping up frequently, and I pass on this cautionary note circulated at my employment:
Submitted for: UCF Computer Services Network Operations Center Security Team
Subject: Google Desktop Search-Do Not Use

Google, maker of the popular search engine, has developed a search tool for use on personal computers. The latest version of this tool--Google Desktop version 3-contains a feature that allows individual users to store a virtual copy of files from their hard drives on Googles servers so they can search the data from a second computer. While useful, the feature can compromise the security of individual users or the university.

Many national security firms, as well as UCFs Network Security Team, are warning users of the significant security risks this creates. Because there is no limit to the files that might be copied to Googles servers by this tool, such files could include sensitive personal data, data protected by FERPA or other laws, or confidential research data. Further, once on Googles servers, users files would be subject to disclosure
through subpoena.

Because of these risks, the UCF Network Security Team is advising that The Google Desktop Search application should not be downloaded or installed on any university personal computer. Thank you for your cooperation.

Network Security Team
University of Central Florida




Student Marina (mah-REEN-ah) Hayashi from Nagoya College, Honshu, Japan is here. She's a charming young woman and arrived bearing gifts for us all. She likes Cocoa Krispies, and she'll be here for 4 weeks.


Saturday, February 25, 2006

8th Grade school photo


click for larger.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Office

Currently my favorite show, and Gina doesn't miss an episode with me. Linda won't be in the same room when its on.

I was a fan of the BBC original -- and it was far more painful to watch. The NBC version retains the no-laugh-track situation-awkward comedy (sitawk?), but has developed the characters and made them more accessible to our american tastes.

BTW, character Dwight S. writes his own blog. Its hilarious.

Entertainment Weekly article.


2/18/06 This is a travel weekend for the Solash Reeds; Gina left early friday morning for a 4 day trip to a ski resort in Maggie Valley, NC with a friend's family, and Linda and I are at a church retreat in Silver Springs, FL just outside Ocala. This retreat is at a somewhat primitive conference center, very much like a summer camp. There's about 100 of our fellow congregants here with us. We'll be back sunday to join Max and Bob for Bob Sr.'s birthday dinner at Park Plaza Gardens.

Its the first time skiing for Gina; I hope to get some ski picture from her trip and share them here!

2/22 Update: Gina returned with a memory card full of pictures, unfortunately, almost all are goofing around pictures of girls in the bathroom mirror, girls in car, and the inevitable up the nostril shots.
But there were a couple of snow shots, one of Tracy, Gina and Alexa included here. (800 pixel version here)



big boot things

Here's a nifty photo I found on nephew Austen's flickr site. Must be at LL Bean, highly recommended by sister Deri. Austen is the author of netsua.com, and the co-creator and co-host of the teentechbuzz.com podcast.

In related content, following is a photo of Linda from Key Largo from last summer.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Its a big weekend coming up; 1st, Makeshift will do two sets at Austin Coffee and Film on saturday night, 2/25. We're psyched and ready. We've got some new material, and hope to feature some special guest appearances by Mezzo Theresa Segers and long-time-absent Tenor Drew Abel. First set is about 8:30pm.
Then on Sunday, we pickup and meet our exchange student Marina Hayashi from Nagoya College, Honshu, Japan. She'll be staying with us for 4 weeks.



Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Stunning desktop wallpapers

Its in chinese, but take a few minutes browsing the images and navigating the numbered pages at the bottom. 高分辨率�纸61

Parental advisory

From MSNBC.com: "On 'The Daily Show' last night, Jon Stewart, speaking as a 'concerned parent,' urged viewers never to let their children go on hunting trips with the vice president. 'I can't emphasize this enough,' Stewart said. 'I don't care what kind of lucrative contracts they're trying to land, or energy regulation they're trying to get lifted. . . . He'll shoot them in the face.'"



Saturday, February 11, 2006

We're going to Iowa this summer

"Two families were having a feud. One family lived on the Minnesota side of the border between Iowa and Minnesota, and the other family lived on the Iowa side. The feud got serious and the Minnesota family started throwing sticks of dynamite across the border into the Iowa farm yard. One day, it put the eye of a cow out. The Iowa family became so incensed that it started lighting the dynamite sticks that the Minnesotans had thrown over, and throwing them back into the Minnesota family's farm yard."

ESPN's Dick Vitale was in Indiana to announce a basketball game when he noticed a red phone near the Hoosier's bench. He asked Coach Bob Knight what it was for.
"It's a hotline to God," said Knight. Vitale asked if he could use it. Knight said, "Sure, but it'll cost you $100." Vitale thought he needed a break picking the games, so he pulled out his wallet and paid the $100. Dick Vitale had a perfect week.
The next week, he was in Arkansas when he noticed the same kind of phone on the Razerback's bench. He asked the Razerback coach about the phone. The coach said, "It's the hotline to to God, and it'll cost you $100 if you want to use it". Vitale paid the money. Again, he had a perfect week.

The next week, Vitale was in Iowa when he noticed the same kind of phone by the Hawkeyes' bench. He asked Tom Davis (Iowa Coach), "Is that the hotline to God?". Davis said, "Yes and if you want to use it, it'll cost 35 cents". Vitale said, "Wait a second,I just paid $100 in Indiana and Arkansas to use the hotline to God. Why does Iowa only charge 35 cents?" Davis smiled at Vitale and replied, "In Iowa, it's a local call."

Q: What do you call a bunch of tractors parked in front of a McDonalds on Friday night in Iowa?
A: Prom.

And brother Rick writes:
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 14:59:15 -0800
Subject: Re: Okiboji
We are excited and set to go . . . only one problem - Where is Iowa? What city has an airport? Only kidding. But really, where does our airplane land?




Gina got her braces off this morning, and both mom and dad had work conflicts. So here is the report from Grandma....photos to follow so check back now available and posted here! Click on them for larger versions.

Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 11:51:07 EST

All is well. Picked her up and got her to the office on time. It took nearly 90
minutes, but she came out radiant! And loaded down with stuff. Had her picture taken for the wall, and she has some messages for you.

She said her mouth feels funny with the retainer, but she'll get used to it. Just before we got to school, she said she was going to take it out for the "first impression" with her friends. I told her I thought that was an excellent idea.

And as she got out of the car, she said, "I can't stop smiling!"

Love, Grandma


Friday, February 10, 2006

migrating this blog

Yesterday, a german-speaking Jürgen commented on my stale post at wordpress.com and suggested I look again for the import utility:

Jürgen said: Just go to your dashboard. If you’re logged in to WordPress.com and show your blog, the link to the dashboard is in the top-left corner. Once in the dashboard you find a kind of menu on the top of the site and the most right item is called “Import�.Gopod luck.

Sure enough…the import button was there and I gave it a shot as you can see if you go visit it. All these blogger posts (100+) imported. It did not honor blogger.com image controlling code, and in fact, it broke many image links. I’m not going in a repairing all those image references. so I’ll stick with blogger.com/blogspot.com for now.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

new quartet?

I went to an exploratory rehearsal last night with Joe Elmer (bass from OBC), Me (bari/tenor), Pete (lead/bari from makeshift) and Troy W. (tenor/lead). We all sang together in a VLQ competition a couple years back (photo at right is Troy, Nick, Pete, Joe, Seth and Me)

We had performance potential for several numbers right off the

several pole cats

also, we had a few songs nominated for group development

Our chemistry was good and the sound blend was great at certain moments. The challenge is finding time in our schedules...next rehearsal is not until 2/26.


Friday, February 03, 2006

how to fold a shirt

to fold a shirt in japan, but it should work here also.

I'll try it, let me know if it works for you.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

PB wiki

Here's a cheap plug for free service PBwiki

PBwiki logo

I have used it for posting rehearsal schedules and set lists for Makeshift gigs, but despite my repeated entreaties for collaboration and participation, it has not been used to its full potential.

Check out the PBwiki tour!

ps. in return for this plug, they are increasing my file space.


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Happy Wednesday morning!

As the chief pediatrician said yesterday, it was an intense but brief illness. We're getting ready for school and work this morning. Almost as if we've had a family-wide nightmare and now we're back.

Almost. We're all a little tired, Gina from a need to recover full strength, and as for me (Linda), I think I'm just feeling tired now, as my adrenaline level goes back to normal.

Gina will see a hematologist next week, and then at increasing intervals until her recovery is deemed complete. All the odds are this is a one-time experience that will simply be a line on her medical history.

And in the silver lining department, Gina is no longer afraid of blood tests. A real piece of cake after all this.

Looking forward to braces coming off and the usual arguments about homework and clothes.

Love and thanks to all.

Linda and Bob
